Biophysics Facility
3rd Floor Chemistry and Biochemistry Building:
- Horiba DeltaPro time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) fluorescence lifetime system with picosecond pulsed laser diode sources at 280, 375 and 635 nm and polarization filters for anisotropy lifetime measurements
- Nicoya Lifesciences OpenSPR dual channel semi-automated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) system.
- TA Instruments Nano isothermal calorimeter (ITC) for characterizing molecular interactions
- Malvern Zetasizer Nano-S dynamic light scattering (DLS) instrument
- Fotodyne Investigator gel documentation system equipped with a CCD camera and quantitation software for DNA and protein gel analysis
- Large capacity temperature-controlled incubator/shakers, floor centrifuges and -80 freezers.