Research Facilities
NMSU is categorized as a R2: Doctoral University - Higher research activity by the Carnegie Foundation, with more than $200 million in total research contracts. Faculty within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry hold major research grants from the National Institues of Health (NIH), Nathional Science Foundation (NSF) and the NIH-funded NM IDeA Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence (NM-INBRE), a network connecting scientists and students throughout New Mexico. Research within the department is highly interdisciplinary with collaborative efforts with different departments of NMSU as well as other universities and national laboratories.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry houses state of the art equipment in individual faculty research labs as well as in the following shared research facilities:
- Analytical Instrumentation Facility
- Biophysics Facility
- Mammalian Cell Culture and Microscopy Facilty
- Molecular Biology Sequencing Facility
- NMR Facility
Additional instrumentation facilities available on the NMSU campus:
- Chemical Analysis and Instrumentation Laboratory, Skeen Hall
- Live Cell and Super Resolution Imaging Laboratory, Foster Hall
- Microscopy Suite of the Core University Research Resources Laboratory, Skeen Hall
- NMSU X-Ray Irradiator, Foster Hall