

The nearest airport is El Paso International Airport, approximately 50 miles from Las Cruces/Mesilla

Shuttle (El Paso Airport <=> Las Cruces/Mesilla)


Driving (El Paso to Las Cruces)

The most direct route from the El Paso airport to Mesilla is to take I-10 west to Las Cruces (about 50 miles).

Take Exit 140 onto New Mexico 28 (you will turn left) toward La Mesilla. 

If you arrive in daylight with a little more time, we recommend a more scenic 50 mile drive from the El Paso airport along the historic Don Juan de Onate Trial. Here are the directions:

  • Take I-10 west from the El Paso airport to Exit 6, which is Loop 375.
  • Take Loop 375 west towards Canutillo for 1.1 miles utnil you reach Texas 20 Highway.
  • Make a right on Texas 20 going north for 1/2 mile only.
  • Make a left on Texas 259 going west. This turns into New Mexico 28 at the State Line.
  • Highway 28 is the Don Juan de Onate trail.
  • As you drive along New Mexico 28 from the Texas State Line to La Mesilla, you will pass through the following old, primarily Hispanic towns of La Union, Chamberino, La Mesa (with a great Mexican restaurant called Chope's), San Miguel, and San Pablo.